Providencia Bibliography
Arden, D.D., 1969, Geologic history of the Nicaraguan Rise: Transactions Gulf Coast Association Geological Societies, v. XIX, p. 295-309.
Geobel, V.W., 1985, On the Miocene vulcanism of Providencia Island , Colombia , western Caribbean (abs): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.17, p.159.
Hollcombe, T.L., Ladd, J.W., Westbrook, G., Edgar, M.T., and Bowland, C.L., 1990, Caribbean Marine Geology: Ridges and Basins of the Plate Interior: In: Dengo, c., and Case, J., (eds.), The Geology of North America , v. H., p. 231-260.
Hubach,E., 1956, Aspectos geograficos y geologicos y recourses de las isles de San Andres y Providencia: Cuadernos de Geografia de Colombia, v. 12, 37pp.
Kerr, J. M., 1978, The volcanic and tectonic history of La Providencia Island, Colombia , Unpubl. MS thesis, Rudgers University , 51pp.
Milliman, J.D., and Supko, P.R., 1968, On the geology of San Andreas island, western Caribbean : Geol. en Mijnbouw, v. 47, p. 102-105.
Mitchell, R.C., 1955, Geologic and petrologic notes on the Colombian islands of La Providencia and San Andreas, West Indies : Geol. en Meinjbown, v. 17, p.76-83.
Pagnacco, P.F., and Raddeli, L., 1962, Note on the geology of the isles of Providencia and Santa Catalina (Caribbean Sea, Colombia): Geol. Colombia, v. 3, p. 125-132.
Quintero, R., and Burgl, H., 1960, Mapa geolรณgico de las islas de San Andreas, Providencia y Sta. Catalina: Serv. Geol. National, Bogota .
Wadge, G., and Wooden, J.L., 1982, Late Cenozoic alkaline volcanism in the northwestern Caribbean : Tectonic setting and Sr isotope characteristics: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 57, p. 35-46.
Weyl, R., 1966, Geologie de Antillean: Gebruderborn Traeger , Berlin -Nikolasse, 410pp.